Let’s repaint the earth with children’s art
Since the foundation of 1988, we held countless exihibitions of children’s art work from many parts of the world with a theme of Happy Birthday Earth and send their message.
Children’s artworks are used as a design for picture books, message cards, product packaging, corporate calendars and many more. Proceeding profit will be returned to children in need. We actualize our slogan, “Kids Helping Kids”.
Please encourage other children to participate in this artwork collection.

【Sending address】
3-25-2, Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0013 JAPAN KIDS EARTH FUND
TEL+81-(0)3-5449-8161 / FAX:+81-(0)3-5449-3962
■You are free to choose the theme.
■Please use poster colors or paints.
■Age of artists should be between 2-15 years old.
■Please include this information. 1)title 2) artist’s name 3) age 4) sex 5)address. Please print out the following application form and fill it out, and paste it on the back of the artwork.
■Please kindly print “Application form” to fill out required contents. Please make sure to glue the application form on the back side of art work (preferably on the right bottom).
■When shipping, please pack carefully.
■The copyright and the useage-right of the artwork belongs to KIDS EARTH FUND.
■We do not return the artwork as a general rule.