November 24 At Cambodia Kids Earth Home
We held a workshop at an elementary school built in the poor neighborhood of Cambodia. We painted the tropical trees growing around us. After drawing the tropical trees across the 6-meter canvas, we cut coconuts from the garden and drank them. With snacks from Calbee in their hands, the children were very happy!

November 24 Cambodia Kids Earth Home
We held a workshop with the 30 children living at the Kids Earth Home, Binh Hung Center. A powerful artwork was created. We had painted a triptych on the theme of “happy energy.” Everyone was truly committed. The seedlings that were planted when the Binh Hung Center, a Kids Earth Home in Vietnam, was built […]

November 21 Workshop at a free school in Thu Duc District, Vietnam
Workshop at a free school for poor children in Thu Duc District, Vietnam. The painting changed with each brushstroke by the children, and it was a fun workshop. With the support from FFFC, the children at the Binh Tho Center in the Thu Duc District have been continuing their activities. During my visit is the […]

2019 August 24th – Kids Earth Home Tohoku
We went to Kids Earth Home, Watari Town, Miyagi Prefecture. We started the workshop around 10 o’clock in the morning with 10 happy faces of children hurringly wanting to draw. The two grown girls have been here in the workshop since the Great East Japan earthquake and they are currently at age of 12 and […]

2019 August 17th – KIDS EARTH HOME TOHOKU
We held a workshop at Kids Earth Fund Tohoku. It was a hot summer day so we made paper fans. They had a wonderful time. Look at those colorful and playful fans.

Jump Out From The Canvas!
Date and Time: April 13th (Saturday), 10:30-12:00 Location: Kids Earth Fund, 3-25-2 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Contents: Have you ever looked at a tree bigger than you before? For example, a massive cherry blossom tree that is too big to hold? What then do you do when you draw it on a canvas? In Japan, there […]

2018.12.14 Christmas Party at KIDS EARTH HOME Tohoku with Grand Hyatt Tokyo
We held a Christmas party cooperated by Grand Hyatt Tokyo at KIDS EARTH HOME Tohoku in Watari, Miyagi prefecture. Children have been excitedly waiting for the moment to greet with Santa Claus. Mr. Steve Dewire, General Manager of Grand Hyatt Tokyo and his team came all the way from Tokyo this year again, bringing the […]

2018.10.20 “Peace Robot” Workshop at KIDS EARTH HOME in Tohoku
We held a “Peace Robot” workshop at KIDS EARTH HOME. This is a collaborative project with Mr. Len Makabe, sculptor and an advisor of KIDS EARTH FUND. These painted carbon boxes will become a part of Peace Robot body which is 4 meters high, and be exhibited at the National Art Center, Tokyo from November […]

[Announcement] October 20th, 2018 (Saturday), Christmas Ornament Decorating at Kids Earth Home Tohoku
Staring at 10 am on October 20th, a workshop at Kids Earth Home Tohoku for decorating Christmas ornaments will be held. We look forward to this experience with everyone. Date and Time: 2018.10.20, 10:00 – 12:00 Location: Kids Earth Home Tohoku Address: 153-1, Sado, Watari-cho, Miyagi Prefecture (in front of house with blue roof) Fee: […]

Held original fan drawing workshop at KIDS EARTH HOME in Tohoku
Held original fan drawing workshop at KIDS EARTH HOME in Tohoku on June 16th. We look forward to seeing their cheerful smile and colourful fans at a summer festival in Watari next month! Please contact us if you wish to receive art workshop notification by E-mail to info@kidsearthfund.jp Participation fee is for free.

[Notice] June 16th, 2018 Kids Earth Home Tohoku Workshop
Starting at 10 am on June 16th, Kids Earth Home Tohoku is scheduled to host a workshop. Young children are welcome to join! We look forward to participating in this workshop with everyone. Date and Time: 2018.06.16, 10:00 – 12:00 Location: Kids Earth Home Tohoku Address: 153-1, Sado, Watari-cho, Miyagi Prefecture (in front of house […]

Painting workshop at Kids Earth Home in Tohoku
Painting workshop at Kids Earth Home in Tohoku. Children create their original Koinobori (鯉のぼり), meaning “carp streamer” in Japanese, are carp-shaped wind socks traditionally flown in Japan to celebrate Tango no sekku (端午の節句), a traditional calendrical event which is now designated a national holiday; Children’s Day (Kodomo no Hi, 子供の日). Using different kinds of materials, […]

Workshop with children and youth in Croatia
Workshop with children and youth in Croatia. KIDS EARTH HOME Croatia welomes volunteers from all over the world throughout the year. Children interact with them in English with no difficulties and they performed very well at school. KEH cultivates natural abilities to have big dreams and visions for their own future.

Art Workshop at Kids Earth Home Tohoku
Today, we held an art workshop at Kids Earth Home Tohoku, Japan.

A Look at 2017 for Kids Earth Fund
In 2017, throughout the world Kids Earth Fund held 75 workshops and interacted with many children. In May, the Manchester bombing killed 22 people, including an 8-year old girl, and injured 64 people, 12 of them being children under the age of 16. To help encourage the children in England, we asked children in Japan […]

WORKSHOP at KIDS EARTH HOME in the Republic of Croatia
In KIDS EARTH HOME in the Republic of Croatia, we are focused on the eco-friendly, hands-on workshops for children and the youth. In one of those workshops, we have newly built “Celtic House” using only natural materials. This project was carried out with the aim to prove that there is a way to build a […]
[INFO】Art Workshop at KIDS EARTH HOME TOHOKU On Saturday, April 20th, 2013 Kid Erath Home Northeast of Japan Kids Erath Fund, KIDS EARTH FUND will hold an art workshop [Date] Saturday, April 20th 2013 [Time] From 10:00 am – 12:00 pm [Place] at KIDS EARTH HOME TOHOKU [Address] * In front of Lead Sendai Factory […]